About Us
MEDCASE is a organization that is committed to open access medical education. We are a team of physicians actively involved in teaching at US residency programs for many years. Our aim is to provide a FREE web-based tool for physicians to post challenging cases encountered in their practice. We hope to promote case centered discussion and peer to peer interaction on this platform. We strongly believe that when physicians share their clinical experiences, it results in better patient care outcomes. Our goal is to make learning a fun, continuous activity that will keep physicians engaged, and intellectually stimulated.
The case challenges in this website aims to provide physicians with simulation tools that mimic real-life clinical scenarios that physicians face every day in their practice. The site also will aim to present the latest updates from journals on monthly basis. It will also serve to test physician knowledge by making available medical quizzes in their respective specialty in a board review format.. We hope that one day if enough physicians share our passion, MEDCASE will become the WIKIPEDIA of medical cases.